Embracing the Journey of Healing and Transformation

Welcome to my sacred space of healing and transformation. I am Grace Lee, a dedicated practitioner of holistic well-being, intuitive healing, and shamanic wisdom. With a heart-centered approach, fueled by integrity, compassion and love, I am committed to guiding you on a transformative journey toward self-discovery, true balance, and empowerment.
With over a decade of experience as a compassionate healthcare provider, I have witnessed the intricate weaving between the body, mind, and soul. My journey, enriched by diverse experiences, led me to journey across the realms of holistic wellness. On my own healing journey, I embarked on an enlightening quest of learning and self-exploration, diving deep into an array of healing modalities. Guided by the luminaries in their fields, including renowned shaman, Itzhak Beery. I have had the honor of studying under extraordinary mentors, and my path led me to the profound teachings of Melissa Tiers in Integrative Hypnosis, Tina Zion in Medical Intuition, and Marie Manuchehri, RN in mediumship and multisensory abilities, enriching my understanding of holistic wellness as a whole. And now, it is the time to share the light with you! 
My holistic approach weaves a tapestry of ancient wisdom and contemporary insights. With certifications as a shamanic practitioner, medical intuitive, integrative hypnotist, Reiki practitioner, psychic mediumship, and training in sex therapy(ASSECT approved), breathwork, and EFT, I seamlessly interlace these modalities in my ineffable practice. From exploring the intricacies of palm lines to embarking on healing journeys through the Amazon jungle of Ecuador, my diverse experiences allow me to offer you a unique and multifaceted approach to healing.
As your guide on this path of transformation, I am deeply committed to helping you discover the profound potential that resides within you. Whether through intuitive insights, energy balancing, shamanic practices, or a combination thereof, my intention is to create a sacred space where you can experience profound shifts, release blockages, and embrace the radiant essence of your being.
I extend a heartfelt invitation for you to join me on this voyage of self-discovery, healing, and empowerment. Let us journey on a path that transcends limitations, opening the gateway to a realm of holistic well-being and metamorphosis. Together, we will navigate the realms of energy, intuition, and ancient wisdom to illuminate your passage toward harmony, vitality, and pure joy.
Warmly, Grace