Shamanic healing

By using shamanic diagnostic methods, divination, body work, sound healing, soul mending, and shamanic protection tools you can feel whole by healing your emotional and physical issues. Giving you insight on your life’s purpose and mission. Mend the lost part of you, allowing yourself to feel whole and dream your life into being, with courage and grace.


What is Shamanic healing?

Shamanic healing methods have been used by indigenous people all over the world. By healing in the most traditional sense, one is able to find that wholeness and balance, needed for true lasting health. With the healing of the mind, body, and spirit become whole, thereby finding that soulful connection of why we are here, experiencing this life. 

How can Shamanic healing benefit me?

The benefits of Shamanic healing is the balancing of the emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. This balance is one and the same, as we are all connected to one another. However, in order to feel that interconnectedness, we need to find that harmony within ourselves. Letting go the pains in the mind and with the opening of your heart, you can make space to connect to your true self. With this calmness and peace within, you will be able to weave into the interconnectedness of the natural world. 

What kind of Shamanic healing is offered?

Palm reading

Guided by intuitive wisdom and guidance from the elements of earth, water, fire, and air we can navigate your soul's map by the shape of your hand, fingers, the lines on your palms, the colors of your palms and more. Find out your life's purpose and see if it's in alignment with your current life experience. 

Soul Mending (Soul Healing or Retrieval)

Unlock the transformative power of soul mending. Through ancient shamanic practices, we journey to retrieve fragmented aspects of your soul, restoring harmony, and rekindling your inner light. Experience profound healing as you reunite with lost parts of yourself, embracing a renewed sense of wholeness and vitality.

Shamanic Journey

Embark on a journey beyond the ordinary, guided by shamanic wisdom. Traverse realms of consciousness to gain insights, connect with spirit allies, and retrieve guidance that resonates with your unique path. Discover a profound source of knowledge and inspiration, igniting your inner wisdom and deepening your connection to the universe.

Drum Healing

Experience the rhythmic heartbeat of healing through drum therapy. The primal beat of the drum harmonizes your energy, promoting relaxation, and supporting emotional release. As the vibrations flow through you, they restore balance, rejuvenate your spirit, and create a sacred space for transformation.

Shamanic Diagnostic and Divinations

Unveil the mysteries that lie within with shamanic diagnostic and divination techniques. Through energy gazing, body-hand scanning, candle flame reading, egg reading, and shamanic palm reading, we delve into the subtle energies that shape your existence. Receive profound insights, guidance, and clarity that illuminate your path to well-being.

Shamanic Bodywork: Aztec Massage

Experience the healing touch of ancient Aztec wisdom. Aztec massage blends therapeutic bodywork with shamanic principles, promoting the flow of energy and releasing tensions. This transformative fusion awakens your body's innate healing abilities, nurturing a state of deep relaxation and rejuvenation.

Takuma Needles

Discover the gentle power of Takuma needles, a shamanic bodywork technique rooted in tradition. These fine needles are skillfully applied to specific points, encouraging the release of blockages and harmonizing your energy flow. Experience a sense of renewal as your body's vitality is restored.

Psychic and Physical Protection

Empower yourself with psychic and physical protection, drawing upon shamanic techniques to create a shield of positive energy. Safeguard your well-being from negative influences, both seen and unseen. Through sacred rituals and guided practices, cultivate a heightened sense of security and serenity.

La Limpia

Ancient Shamanic healing for cleansing and renewal. Step into the realm of ancient shamanic healing as we explore the profound technique of La Limpia, a sacred practice that has been passed down through generations. Rooted in the rich traditions of indigenous healing, La Limpia offers a transformative journey of cleansing, clearing, and renewal, guided by the wisdom of the earth and spirit.
Each of these shamanic healing techniques offers a unique gateway to self-discovery, transformation, and holistic well-being. Explore the possibilities and embrace the ancient wisdom that resonates with your journey.

What is La Limpia?

Understanding La Limpia:

La Limpia, meaning "the cleanse" in Spanish, is a time-honored shamanic healing technique that hails from the heart of indigenous Ecuadorian traditions. It is a holistic approach to healing that addresses the energetic imbalances, blockages, and negative influences that may affect an individual's well-being. At its core, La Limpia is a process of spiritual purification, invoking the collaboration of natural elements and spirit allies to restore harmony within the individual.

The Practice of La Limpia:

Central to the practice of La Limpia is the sacred art of "sucking," which involves the shamanic practitioner using their mouth to draw out negative energies and imbalances from the recipient's energy field. This profound act of extraction is accompanied by the use of medicinal plants, tobacco smoke, feathers, and other ritual tools. The shamanic practitioner employs these tools to facilitate the release of energetic congestion and to help dislodge any spiritual intrusions or attachments.

The Elements of Healing:

La Limpia is a dance between the elements—earth, water, air, and fire. During a session, the shamanic healer uses techniques, such as sprinkling water, blowing smoke, using fire, and applying plant-based remedies. The process is deeply rooted in the understanding that our connection to all the elements is of upmost importance to our spiritual and physical well-being.

The Role of Intuition and Spirit:

Similar to other shamanic practices, La Limpia places a strong emphasis on the shamanic practitioner's intuitive abilities and their connection to spirit allies. The shamanic healer enters a state of heightened awareness, allowing them to perceive the energetic disturbances and sources of disarray within the client's energy field. With guidance from their spirit guides, the practitioner navigates the intricacies of the healing process, facilitating the removal of stagnant energy and assisting the individual in finding alignment and harmony.

Benefits of La Limpia:

La Limpia offers profound benefits that extend beyond the physical realm. Individuals who engage in this profound shamanic practice often report feelings of lightness, clarity, and revitalization. By releasing energetic blockages, attachments, and intrusions, La Limpia paves the way for emotional release, mental clarity, and spiritual growth. It has the potential to create a deep sense of renewal, allowing individuals to realign with their true essence and innate vitality.

Your La Limpia Journey:

Embark on a transformative voyage of cleansing, healing, and renewal through the ancient practice of La Limpia. Guided by the wisdom of tradition and your own intuition, experience the power of energetic purification and harmonization. As we delve into the profound dance of the elements and spirit, you'll discover the art of releasing what no longer serves you and embracing the radiant essence that resides within.

Metamorphosis through shamanism

My journey into shamanism has been a profound and transformative odyssey. Since 2020, during the COVID pandemic, I have immersed myself in the teachings of Itzhak Beery, embarking on a path of learning and growth that started with attendance of online classes with the New York Open Center, Shamanic Portal, and London School of Psychic Studies. As the pandemic restrictions eased, I eagerly embraced in-person ceremonies, workshops, and trainings, deepening my connection to the ancient wisdom of shamanic practices. The years 2022 and 2023 marked an unforgettable chapter as I ventured to the heart of the Andes and the Amazon in Ecuador. Amid healing expeditions and plant medicine ceremonies, with an apprenticeship, I had the privilege to learn from diverse Shamans across the breathtaking landscapes of the Andes, the cloud forest, and the Amazon basin. This immersive experience has ignited a profound transformation within me, guiding me to new depths of insight, connection, and healing.

Where can I get more information about Shamanism?

Itzhak Beery is an internationally recognized shamanic healer and teacher. He was initiated into the Circle of 24 Yachaks by his Quechua teacher in Ecuador and into the healing tradition of his Amazonian Kanamari pajé teacher. The founder of and cofounder of the New York Shamanic Circle, he is on the faculty of the New York Open Center and Kripalu. Itzhak is my shamanic teacher and dear friend. In partnership with the lineage of Itzhak Beery and the ancestral wisdom of Ecuador, I am honored to guide you on a path of transformation through shamanic healing. Let us embark on a journey together, as we traverse the realms of energy and spirit to illuminate the path toward healing and revitalization. For more information on Itzhak and his magnificent work, you can find his website here. Also one of his critically acclaimed books, Shamanic Healing- Traditional Medicine for the Modern World, here.