
Whether you're seeking relief from physical discomfort, emotional challenges, or a desire to enhance your spiritual connection, Reiki holds the potential to guide you toward optimal well-being. With each session, you'll experience a sense of renewal, revitalization, and alignment as the universal life force energy flows harmoniously within you. Reiki promotes relaxation and alternatively, it can help you feel energized by releasing any tension. Also used for pain-management. 


What is Reiki?

Reiki, is a healing technique originating from Japan, it promotes healing and is used for relaxation. Reiki is done through gentle touch or from a distance. The Reiki practitioner becomes attuned with Reiki symbols during their training. During a session a soothing energy flows through the practitioner to the client, bringing relaxation and a release of any tension or blockages.

How does a Reiki session work?

The practitioner starts by cleansing the space they are working with. Cleansing is then done separately on the practitioner then to the client, clearing away all energies so there is a blank state to work with. While in this relaxed state and environment it creates a space for adding in the good stuff.

Can I get Reiki healing virtually?

Yes, Reiki healing can be received virtually, or at a distance. Distance Reiki is a technique that originated in the 1920s with Master Usui, who is the founder of the Reiki healing, it was specifically intended for the use of healing from a distance. With this technique, the practitioner becomes the channel to bring the healing to the client without being in the same location. The practitioner is able to send the healing energy from a distance, beyond physical touch. This is perfect for those who want to experience Reiki healing from the comfort of their own home, space, and location.

How does a distance Reiki session work?

Firstly, an intention for the healing session will be made together by the practitioner and client. Then the perfect time for the healing to occur will be discussed. All that is really needed is your name, time, and the intention for the healing. It is recommended that while the session is occurring that you are in a comfortable position whether that is laying down, sitting up, or whatever makes you feel good.

What should I expect during a healing Reiki session?

The sensations felt during a session varies from person to person. Some people feel an energetic release, tingling, warmth, visions, it all depends on the individual. Reports of using this healing modality, are a sense of calm, peace, love, alleviated pain, and better focus. It’s a great way to allow your body, mind, spirit to heal.

Will you be offering in person healing sessions?

There are in person healing sessions available to those who live in the Queens or Brooklyn, NY area. Depending on availability, please inquire for more information.