Integrative Hypnosis

Integrative hypnosis offers a  profound method in promoting healing, personal growth, and positive change. By harmoniously blending therapeutic techniques, it empowers individuals to access their inner resources and embrace transformation gracefully. It incorporates elements from different healing disciplines, such as neuroscience, cognitive-behavioral therapy, mindfulness practices, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), and positive psychology. This integration allows for a more tailored and individualized approach to meet the unique needs of each client. Learn self-hypnosis frameworks and techniques, removing whatever blocks are getting in the way of change. 


What is hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a state of deep relaxation, heightened suggestibility, and focused awareness. It's a natural and altered state of consciousness where the mind becomes highly receptive to suggestions and imagery. In this state of focused attention, individuals are more open to change, and their unconscious mind becomes more easily accessible.

Through a series of techniques and instructions, a hypnotist is able to help the individual enter into a state of deep relaxation, heightened focus, and increase suggestibility. This brings the individual’s conscious mind into a more relaxed and less critical state, allowing the unconscious mind to get into an expansive state. Once in this state, the individual's unconscious mind is more open to positive suggestions, which can help them address various issues such as breaking habits, managing pain, reducing stress, improving confidence, and more.

It's important to note that during hypnosis, individuals remain fully aware and in control. They cannot be made to do anything against their will or moral code. Hypnosis is a tool that can facilitate changes in perception, emotions, behaviors, and habits by working with the power of the mind's inherent abilities and suggestibility.

What is self-hypnosis?

Self-hypnosis is a process in which an individual guides themselves into a state of hypnosis for the purpose of achieving specific goals, such as relaxation, stress reduction, behavior change, or personal growth. It's essentially using hypnotic techniques on oneself to enter a focused and receptive state of mind.

In self-hypnosis, individuals typically use relaxation techniques, visualizations, affirmations, and other methods to induce a state of deep relaxation and heightened suggestibility. This allows them to access their unconscious mind and work with it to create positive changes in their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

During an integrative hypnosis session, self-hypnosis techniques will be taught to the client in order to enter the hypnotic state where they are more receptive to positive suggestions for change, personal growth, or healing. It's important to note that self-hypnosis requires practice and patience to achieve the desired results. Many people find self-hypnosis to be a valuable tool for managing stress, boosting confidence, improving sleep, and making positive changes in their lives.

What is neuroplasticity?

The mind is malleable and has a remarkable ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections. The brain is able to rewire itself, by forming new pathways and strengthening existing ones based on the information it receives and the activities it engages in, no matter your age! By strengthening the neurons in the brain to form new positive connections, thereby creating change within the structure of the brain, you can use neuroplasticity to your advantage. Through hypnosis, you are able to shape, mold, and influence your brain — the way you want it.

Neuroplasticity is the reason we can learn new skills, and is crucial in learning, memory, adapting to change. Because of neuroplasticity we can learn a new language, practice instruments, and make habits of change. For example, when you’re learning a new instrument, you practice playing the new instrument and then, after repetition the new music you’re learning doesn’t become so new anymore. Your brain just got used to it. By using neuroplasticity you are able to recondition your mind.

How can it work for me?

Only you know what is best for you and once you practice getting into that state of hypnosis you can tweak it however you’d like. It’s helped some people get rid of (but not limited to):

  • stress management

  • post traumatic stress

  • relief of anger/aggression

  • insomnia

  • weight-loss

  • smoking cessation

  • depression

  • anxiety

  • low self-esteem

  • pain relief

Hypnosis can also aide in (but not limited to):

  • making important life decisions

  • gaining clarity and insight

  • personal transformation

  • achieving success

  • expansiveness of mind, heart, spirit

It allows you to feel whole and connected — to your true self.

What’s hypnosis like?

Hypnosis can be compared to a guided meditation. And in that state of mindfulness, one is able to let go of any untrue records, judgements or falsely conceived feelings of self, situation, or thing. Thereby, allowing oneself to enter a state of focus and receptivity. It’s a way of strengthening that mind-body connection. For example, hypnosis allows people to gain more control over their mind instead of allowing that pain, anxiety, or anything unhelpful to call the shots.

What’s the research for hypnosis?

Accepted as a therapeutic intervention by the American Medical Association since 1952, it has helped people gain lasting changes in their overall well-being. It can be compared to these therapeutic interventions:

93% recovery after 6 sessions — Hypnotherapy

72% recovery after 22 sessions — Behavior Therapy

38% recovery after 600 sessions — Psychoanalysis

What is integrative hypnosis?

Integrative hypnosis, is the healing of mind, body, and spirit. With proven research studies, hypnosis has beneficial impacts on the brain, it rewires the way your mind works, so it knows how to work for you. Integrative hypnosis, can be used as a supportive tool to empower individuals in self-healing as true healing comes from within. It can also be used in conjunction with other therapeutic interventions such as therapy, counseling, or medical advise. Integrative hypnosis allows you to access your inner wisdom, the part of you that knows so much more. By gaining insight, clarity, and creativity you allow yourself to release any parts of you that are no long serving you.

What to expect during the FIRST integrative hypnosis session?

Sessions are always held in a positive, understanding, and supportive space. First, we will start on getting a good understanding of what the intention is for the session — what needs to change. We will then go over in more detail on what hypnosis is so the client gets a better idea of how hypnosis can serve them best. Grace, will then teach you different techniques to gain control over that mind and body. Self-directed hypnosis (self-hypnosis) will be taught and rehearsed so that you can use hypnosis anytime that is convenient for you. Be prepared for change work!

How many sessions are needed to see results?

Usually 3-6 hypnosis sessions are needed to see results however, it can be more or less, depending on what the issue is. We will discuss what your needs are during the session.